This site is accessible to any browser or Internet device, but it will look and work best in a browser that supports web standards. Read about why I'm doing this.

25 November 2002:
10 November 2002:
- New article about the four Aussie TV series which premiered in July and August (Young Lions, MDA, White Collar Blue & Marshall Law). It also looks at the general Aussie TV drama scene. It's a good read, especially since the new series have been on for some months now. (I must say I feel sorry for Young Lions, the way its timeslot has been pushed around by Nine!)
4 October 2002:
10 August 2002:
- If you've been having trouble viewing the text on this site, I've done a workaround. If you still have problems with viewing text, please, please, let me know!
3 August 2002:
- I've moved to using style sheets throughout the site, which means: (A) if you use Netscape 4 or below, Internet Explorer 4 and below, or other old browsers which don't fully support CSS, the site will look very different; (B) pages should now load faster; and (C) I don't use tables for layout anymore. There are no tables on the site whatsoever. (I'm not kidding, check it yourself!)
(Are you a webmaster? Still writing <font> tags and using HTML tables for layout? The revolution is on — use style sheets and learn about web standards).
- If you find any problems with the new layout, please let me know (you can do it anonymously!)
- New navigation bars up the top — what'd you think? (Look mum, no javascript! Want to know how?)
- Wallpaper page has been redesigned
- Links added to the Links page (uh duh) in the "Web site" section. A new section on unrelated sites has also been added.
- Cassandra Magrath added to BH - SC Connection page
- The whole site has been fiddled with in general so some of you might notice other changes in the way it works and looks. In general, I've tried to make the whole site load faster, look more consistent, and work easier and better.
- Thanks to the power of CSS — namely, print style sheets — all the pages on this site will print the way I want them to without having to make "print-friendly" pages. Try it yourself!
- And thanks to people who have emailed suggesting more pictures on the site. I'm going to try to get a hold of some screen caps for some pages.
- And last words ... PJ & Jo??!?? I can't believe it. That's really stupid!
31 May 2002:
- Added a little intro about BH onto the front page. I'm planning to have more substantial updates sometime soon, hang in there! :)
4 May 2002:
16 April 2002:
- Added pic to "Did You Know...?" section on Other page
- Updated About the Site page: new ramblings on the show and my site title, and updated links section on the bottom of the page.
- Link to "Tyler" program (to make photomosaic wallpapers) is back again on the Wallpaper and About the Site pages — I just found it today. It's free and easy to use, check it out.
31 March 2002:
12 March 2002:
- You might not be able to tell, but the front page picture of Nick and Timmsy has been altered.
- Please vote for the site in the TV Week Fansite Awards! :)
3 March 2002:
- Profiles for Clancy, Stacey and Robbie added to the Characters page
14 February 2002:
12 February 2002:
- More profiles added on the Characters page for Dash and Tom, and I might be adding some more this week.
11 February 2002:
- The site has made it into this week's TV Week!!! Page 32!! Wow!!! It's pushed me to hurry my update a little bit <g> ... so here it is ...
- The Characters section has been updated! There are a few small profiles on selected characters available - just click on the linked names in the "Current Cast" and "Past Cast" parts. I'll add a couple more tomorrow.