Here are some Blue Heelers images that I've put together that you can use as desktop wallpaper.
Just click on your resolution numbers below to get to the full-size version.
1. Cast of 1996-98

A full-screen image of the very popular BH cast of 1996-98.
2. BH collage (bordered)

A collage of BH images, mainly from seasons 3 - 5.
4. BH General Photomosaic

FYI, photomosaics are pictures made up of lots of little pictures! This one forms a pic of the BH badge.
5. PJ and Maggie Photomosaic (full-screen)

A photomosaic made up of PJ & Maggie images, forming the picture of Maggie and PJ's kiss in the season 2 finale.
6. PJ and Maggie Photomosaic (bordered)

With the bordered version, you see more of the overall picture but the individual images are smaller.
Some of the images may look a bit darker in your browser than when it's set as your desktop wallpaper, so if it looks a bit funny in your browser, I'd recommend you just try it out on your desktop and see what it looks like. It might also be helpful to adjust the contrast and brightness on your monitor.
If you're wondering how I did those photomosaics, I used a nifty little program called Tyler. It's very easy to use, I really recommend it.
My most sincere thanks to the VKC2 web site for its fantastic collection of screen captures; without them, I couldn't have made the collage and photomosaics on this page.
If you have any problems downloading or displaying these images, I might be able to help you. Please contact me!