If you've watched both Blue Heelers and SeaChange — two shows which in their heyday were incredibly popular amongst Aussie audiences — you've probably noticed that there are an awful lot of actors who have popped up in both shows. So here's a list of actors, as far as I know, who have appeared at least twice in either BH or SC (or both):
Thanks to Nadine for her screen caps.
Role in BH: Bob Barker (owned the stolen house) - 'Moving House' (ep. 174) & 'Flushed' (ep. 346)
Role in SC: Sergeant Graeme Grey - regular
Role in BH: Sandy Fielding - ep. ? in Season 1
Role in SC: Heather Jelly - regular
Role in BH: Stacey Cooper née Norse (Adam's wife) - various eps in Season 4
Role in SC: Senior Constable Karen Miller - regular
Role in BH: Henry Biggins (owner of stolen coins) - 'Sisterly Love' (ep. 152) & 'The Civil Dead' (ep. 169); as Ross Hale (vineyard owner) - 'Family Reserve' (ep. 302)
Role in SC: Harold Fitzwalter - regular
Role in BH: Thea Copeland (therapist) - 'Mind Games' (ep. 110) & 'Settlement Postponed' (ep. 167)
Role in SC: Trudi Dawson (Laura's sister) - various eps in Seasons 1-3
Role in BH: Dr Melanie Carter (doctor) - regular guest star; also has had several different guest roles, including that of Kelly Hayden in 'Fair Crack of the Whip' (eps. 100 & 101)
Role in SC: Lucy (Kevin's wife) - 'Perchance to Dream' (ep. 12)
Role in BH: Guy Ashfield (school principal) - 'Sisterly Love' (ep. 152); Steve Parker (political sidekick) - 'The Price of Silence' (ep. 241); Nick Browne (medical specialist) - 'Paper Chase' (ep. 289) & 'Legwork' (ep. 293)
Role in SC: Jack Gibson (Laura's husband) - various eps in Season 1
Role in BH: Keith Purvis (local farmer) - regular guest star
Role in SC: Lewis Murphy (Cynthia Fitzwalter's neighbour) - 'Kitty Litter' (ep. 24)
Role in BH: Constable Greg Mason - 'Jack of Hearts' (ep. 226) & 'The Grace of God' (ep. 227)
Role in SC: Lionel Guthrie (lawyer) - various eps in Seasons 1 & 2
Role in BH: Shane Thompson (professional shooter) - 'Loose Cannons' (ep. 143); as John Waterson (ambulance officer) - 'Miracle at Rabbit Creek' (ep. 247); as John Turner (chook breeder) - 'Fowl Play' (ep. 307)
Role in SC: Simmo (local) - various eps in Seasons 1-3
Role in BH: Sgt. Harris (from IID) - 'Paranoia (Pt 2)' (ep. 67); as ? (funeral director) - 'The Deepest Cut' (ep. 238)
Role in SC: Barry Boston (Heather's gay friend) - various eps in Seasons 1-3
Role in BH: Charlie McKinley (Dash's brother) - various eps Seasons 4-6
Role in SC: Kevin Findlay - regular
Role in BH: Tony Timms (journalist) - regular guest star
Role in SC: Geoff (from Port Deakin Council) - 'Law and Order' (ep. 26)
Role in BH: Ben Greenway (Wayne's girlfriend's son) - 'All Part of the Service', 'Dog Days' & 'An Act of Random Violence' (eps 94-96); Martin Lennox (high school kid) - 'Hello Goodbye' (ep. 239); as Jamie Kinsela (high school student) - 'Fooling Around' (ep. 308)
Role in SC: Trevor Findlay - regular
Role in BH: Jennifer (Nick's girlfriend) - a few eps in Season 1; Senior Constable Robyn Taylor (Maggie's temporary replacement in Season 6) - 'End of the Road' (ep. 224) until 'The Good Life' (ep. 229)
Role in SC: Dorothy Della Bosca (Diver Dan's wife) - 'Stormy Weather' (ep. 7)
Role in BH: Jessica Taylor (politician's illegitimate daughter) - 'Sins of the Father' (ep. 351)
Role in SC: Miranda Gibson - regular
Role in BH: Nick Schultz - ex-regular
Role in SC: Max Connors - regular
Role in BH: Brad Carmichael (bullied student) - 'Bully Boys' (ep. 290); Daniel Curtis (Reverend Grace's son) - 'Salvation' (Parts 1 & 2), 'In Another Place' and 'Parenthood' (eps. 365 - 368)
Role in SC: Rupert Gibson - regular
Role in BH: Rip Vaughan (Film producer) - 'Stars In Their Eyes' (ep. 181)
Role in SC: Warwick Munroe (Laura's new man) - various eps Season 3
Role in BH: Bronywn Salter (from 'Paradise') - 'Paradise Lost' (ep. 245)
Role in SC: Phrani Gupta - regular
Role in BH: Liam Conroy (mechanic's son) - 'Waiting to Happen' (ep. 114); Jordan McKenzie (escaped criminal) - 'Behind the Badge' (ep. 235)
Role in SC: Craig Jelly - regular
Role in BH: Tim Ryan (social worker) - Seasons 5 & 6
Role in SC: Bryce Reardon (lawyer) - a few eps in Season 1
Role in BH: Georgina Buckley (daughter of lottery winner) - 'Buckley's Chance' (ep. 147)
Role in SC: Jules Jelly (regular)
Role in BH: Maureen Ritchie (local) - 'All in the Family' (ep. 208) & 'The Angel Cruise' (ep. 236)
Role in SC: Joy (wife of convicted drunkard) - 'One of the Gang' (ep. 6)
Role in BH: Chook Stevens (local farmer) - 'Wedding Blues' (ep. 207); Max Keeble (father of kidnapped boy) - 'Winners and Losers' (ep. 314)
Role in SC: Squid Connors (Max's brother) - 'Broken Hearts and Crustaceans' (ep. 16) & 'The House That Jack Built' (ep. 19)
Role in BH: ? - 'Waiting For Apples' (ep. 5); Bruce Searle (scammed the fishing comp) - 'Something Fishy' (ep. 267)
Role in SC: Griff (local) - regular guest star
Role in BH: Ron Blakely - 'Armed and Dangerous' (ep. 13); Shorty (nightclub owner) - 'Collateral Damage' (ep. 165) & 'The Big Picture' (ep. 166); ? (angry father) - 'Falling' (ep. 312)
Role in SC: John Patrick Gower, aka Matthew Reilly (marijuana grower) - 'The Official Story' (ep. 4)
Role in BH: William Cassidy - 'The Folly of Youth' (ep. 37); Robbie Doyle (Maggie's brother) - 'Happy Families' - ep. 98
Role in SC: Diver Dan - ex-regular
Role in BH: Maurie Lawson (Jack's great-grandfather) - 'Chip Off the Old Block' (ep. 258)
Role in SC: Len Connors (Max's father) - 'Sink or Swim' (ep. 17), 'Head For Water' (ep. 18) & 'I Name Thee Bay of Pearls' (ep. 34)