Tom Croydon – John Wood
The Boss is an old-fashioned policeman who likes to do things by the book. He's been stationed in Mt Thomas for over twenty years and stresses to all new recruits that "out here, police work is people". Tom shares a mutual respect with his officers and with the community, and he's handy in negotiating with any locals causing trouble. Oh, and he doesn't mind a vanilla slice or three.
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First episode: 'A Woman's Place' (#1)
First episode: 'A Woman's Place' (#1)
Quotes on Tom:
- "You're the same reactionary old fart you always were." - daughter Anna, 'Happy Families' (#98)
- "A fat guy with a complex about his age ... why doesn't someone tell him to go on a diet or something?" - Dash, 'The Kremin Factor' (#107)
- "He's one of the nicest and most decent people I've ever met." - Maggie, 'The Kremin Factor' (#107)
- "You're not as tough as you seem to be, are you?" - Dash, 'The Kremin Factor' (#107)
- "Tom Croydon's a good bloke." - Nick, 'Dead and Alive' (#128)
- "That bloke there. The old bloke there." - Nick, 'Smoke and Mirrors' (#173)
- "The best way to get offside with Tom, is to keep him waiting for his lunch." - Chris, 'Hello Goodbye' (#239)
- "He likes to protect his people." - Jack, 'Hello Goodbye' (#239)