Maggie Doyle – Lisa McCune
Maggie Doyle was a feisty, headstrong copper who had an amazing sense of integrity and responsibility about her role as a police officer. She managed to survive everything from encephalitus to collapsing mines and witness protection, and through it all, maintain her determination and dedication. In the end, however, it wasn't enough; her troubled family, the source of both her strengths and her weaknesses, eventually brought about her downfall and her death.
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First episode: 'A Woman's Place' (#1)
Last episode: 'One More Day' (#255)
First episode: 'A Woman's Place' (#1)
Last episode: 'One More Day' (#255)
Quotes on Maggie:
- "Don't ever plan to become a D Mags, it'd ruin your sweet and trusting nature." - PJ, 'Old Dogs, New Tricks' (#33)
- "You're such a goody-two-shoes, you'd make a great toecutter." - Wayne, 'Paranoia (Pt 1)' (#67)
- "She's an extremely efficient and conscientious member." - Tom, 'Random Breath' (#145)
- "God you're scary Constable Doyle." - Nick, 'Sisterly Love' (#152)
- "She's one of the boys." - PJ, 'Playing Possum'
- "That umm ... Maggie's a pretty good sort." - Ben, 'Victims' (#190)
- "I don't know you very well, but I suspect you'd be about the last copper I'd accuse of corruption." - Ben, 'Missing Digits' (#199)
- "She likes to do the right thing." - PJ, 'Missing Digits' (#199)
- "I am a good copper and I know what I'm doing, and if I don't get the help I need I'm going to do it anyway." - Maggie, 'Married to the Mob' (#222)
- "She had spirit. She wasn't afraid of anything." - Pat Doyle, 'Web of Lies' (#223)
- "You are as fine a member as I have ever worked with in all my days on the force." - Tom, 'One More Day' (#255)
- "She'd rouse ... and she'd pull you into line ... she was the type of person that everyone loved." - Jack, 'Aftermath' (#256)
- "She came here and she changed our lives." - Tom, 'Aftermath' (#256)
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For more on Lisa McCune, check out The completely unofficial Lisa McCune Web Page and the Lisa McCune Gallery. (Thanks to Wik Vidcaps for the picture.)